connect v2ray in linux (terminal + installed apps)


V2Ray is an exceptional proxy tool that can elevate your online privacy and security to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the process of connecting to a V2Ray server on a Linux operating system, both through terminal commands and installed applications.

Whether you're seeking to bypass censorship barriers and access restricted content, or simply want to keep your online activities confidential, V2Ray provides a comprehensive solution. With this guide as your blueprint, you'll be able to effortlessly set up your V2Ray proxy, enjoy increased privacy and security, and experience the internet with a newfound sense of freedom.

So, let's dive in and discover how to connect to a V2Ray server on your Linux system!

Install Required Packages

To get started, you need to install two packages on your Linux system using the following terminal commands

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install proxychains v2ray

Connect to the V2Ray Server

Next, open a new terminal and connect to the V2Ray server using the following command, replacing config.json with the path to your V2Ray configuration file

  • v2ray -config=config.json


Configure Proxy Chains

To use V2Ray as a proxy, you need to configure the proxychains tool. Open the proxychains.conf file located in /etc/proxychains.conf and add the following line

  • socks4 10808


Use Proxy Chains

You can now use the proxychains tool to run other applications through the V2Ray proxy. For example, to start a new terminal session with proxy support, use the following command

proxychain bash

Or to start the Firefox browser with proxy support, use the following command

  • proxychain firefox

Create a Proxy Desktop App 

To create a desktop application that automatically uses the V2Ray proxy, create a new file in the ~/.local/share/applications directory with the following contents

  • [Desktop Entry] 
  • Encoding=UTF-8
  • Name=Firefox (Proxy)
  • Exec=proxychain firefox
  • Comment=""
  • Terminal=false
  • Icon=firefox.png
  • Type=Application 
  • StartupNotify=false
  • Categories=Utility
This will create a new desktop application called "Firefox (Proxy)" that starts the Firefox browser with proxy support. To launch it, simply click on the icon in your application launcher.

Verify Connection 

To verify that your connection is working correctly, you can use a tool such as curl to make an HTTP request through the V2Ray proxy. For example, to make a request to the website, use the following command
  • proxychain curl

This will return information about your IP address and the location of the proxy that was used to make the request. If everything is set up correctly, the IP address and location information should match the V2Ray server that you are using as a proxy.

If you encounter any issues while setting up and using the V2Ray proxy, there are a few things you can try to troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

  • Check the V2Ray server logs for any error messages or information about why the connection is not working.
  • Make sure that the V2Ray server is running and that you have the correct configuration file.
  • Verify that the proxychains tool is configured correctly and that the socks4 line has been added to the proxychains.conf file.
  • Make sure that the desktop application has been created correctly and that the Exec line in the .desktop file is correct.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to get your V2Ray proxy up and running smoothly on your Linux system.