Drop files here or click to upload

How it works?

This website Use Telegram's cloud stroge to Store your files safely using telegram api. So you can upload files to telegram using your web browser, share with your friends who don't have telegram.

How to Upload files from telegram?

Your can use our telegram bot @files_kpbot to upload your files. Just send a file in private message get your file link!

Is it free?

YES! you can upload, share files with your friends for free of cost.

Is there are any limits?

You can upload,stream unlimited files. how ever due to telegram limitations you can only upload each file up to 2GB from browser , in case if you have telegram premium you can upload 4gb file through our telegram bot

How do I share my uploaded files?

After your uploaded completed click uploaded icon to get your file link

Why was my file deleted?

Your files store forever. How ever Any file that violates any law or terms of telegram will be deleted

How to report a file ?

You can Report File in the download file page if you think any file violates any law You can contact us.